Dogs have their legs amputated for a variety of reasons. Accidents, injuries, or illnesses may require the amputation of a leg, or a dog may have a congenital disability and be born without one of its legs.
Regardless of the reason, having three legs is not a defect in itself. Many dogs are happy with three legs, enjoying precisely the same activities as a four-legged dog.
As a human with a three-legged dog, your main goal in keeping them healthy is to monitor their overall well-being and make sure they are getting enough exercise to keep their joints in good shape and prevent other types of injuries. Don’t look at a missing paw as a disability. With a bit of care, you and your canine companion can forget about that missing paw and be truly happy, living everyday life.
Regular exercise is necessary for all dogs, but it is essential for three-legged dogs, who may experience pain or joint problems if they carry too much weight. As humans, you must resist the temptation to be overprotective and instead let your dog run and play. They will let you know if they are experiencing any discomfort.
If this is the case or notices your dog is depressed, go to your veterinarian and ask him if he considers it feasible to fit a prosthesis. Prototypes are designed for both a dog’s front and hind legs; they will increase their mobility and their living condition. In the beginning, he will feel uncomfortable, but step by step, he will learn to walk with balance and stability.
These prosthetics for dogs can perform the natural movements that a dog typically makes and recover without problems the strength to walk.
It is essential to get the ideal size for your dog not to have any difficulty when putting it on. If you do not find the right ones, complications and muscle contractures may occur. Therefore, it is necessary to acquire it in the right proportion.
Prosthetics for dogs were already well developed before the appearance of 3D printers. Dogs are the most common pets in homes, and they are also the most exposed to accidents and accidents that, on many occasions, end with the amputation of front or hind legs.
With the advent of 3D printers, it is possible to manufacture 3D prosthetics for dogs quickly and at affordable prices. With a computer scanning process and a 3D printer, it is possible to make prostheses or splints that allow dogs to walk again and have a fuller life. The advantages of this type of printer are several:
The economical solution, since the printing can be made to measure in the same veterinary facilities or ordered from an external printing service. This makes it possible to have a customized prosthesis without resorting to traditional molding and production techniques, which are much more expensive.
Simplification of the production process. They can be made in the same clinic or send a scanned file to be printed.
The treatment is more comfortable, both for the owner and the pet. In one trip, all the 3D modeling can be done. Then you only have to go to place it. The modeling file can be saved in case we need to purchase another prosthesis in the future.